Just two weeks after reopening its New York and San Francisco offices, social media giant Twitter said Wednesday that it will be closing those offices “immediately.” The decision came “after careful consideration of the CDC’s updated guidelines, and in light of current conditions,” a spokesperson said. “Twitter has made the decision to close our opened […]
48-hour countdown to early bird savings on passes to TC Disrupt 2021
What’s big enough, bold enough and influential enough to inspire more than 10,000 people around the world to carve out three days from their intensely busy schedules? If you said TechCrunch Disrupt 2021, the grand matriarch of startup tech conferences, well friend, you’d be right on the money. And speaking of money, you have just […]
Twitter launches US e-commerce pilot that lets users shop from profiles
Twitter this morning will launch a pilot in the U.S. aimed at testing the potential for e-commerce on its platform. The company is introducing a new “Shop Module” that offers brands, businesses and other retailers the ability to showcase their products to Twitter users directly on the business’ profile. Users will then be able to […]
Twitter ‘acqui-hires’ the team from subscription news app, Brief
Twitter’s recent acquisition spree continues today as the company announces it has acqui-hired the team from news aggregator and summary app Brief. The startup from former Google engineers launched last year to offer a subscription-based news summary app that aimed to tackle many of the problems with today’s news cycle, including information overload, burnout, media […]
模型誌の老舗である月刊ホビージャパンの元編集部員が、転売を容認する発言をしたことにより炎上している。それにより該当編集者が退職処分となっただけでなく、制作局長や編集長、副編集長が降格させられる事態にまでなった。詳しい炎上の原因となった発言内容や炎上する過程については、タレコミや各種報道などを見ていただきたい(ホビージャパン、ORICON NEWS、HOBBY Watch、ねとらぼ、Togetter)。
Give Me Your Glabrous, Your Rugose, Your Shambling Masses …
Statue of Liberty by Stina Stockholm (cc by-nc-nd)Halloween Jack on the Statue, amid many other unsettling thread remarks (brrrr!) in signsofrain’s post reminiscing about how we worshipped the husk.Enjoy! Or dip in as a palate cleanser between y2karl’s…
“How can you make content for people that you’re kind of afraid of?”
Lindsay Ellis goes on The Financial Diet to talk about the financial aftermath of being canceled “There were so many people who were waiting for the excuse to topple me.” Video mentions that the whole thing blew up because she deleted her own Twitter, …
そう言えばTwitter広告はセルフサービス式で個人でも出稿できるらしいので、試しにやってみました。 「URLクリック単価625円から5円」と、あっさり書いていますが、実際は凡ミスから力技まで、何回もやり直ししています。……
Ridder.co(旧 Linkis.com)スパムに気をつけて。アプリ連携解除の注意点など
自分のツイートが勝手に書き換えられていませんか? ↓こんなふうにURLが変わっていたら要注意です。 ln.is/◯◯ ◯◯.ln.is/◯◯ ◯◯.ridder.co/◯◯(2017年10月追記) ※2017年10月、「…
Jezebel Exposes Young Bigots In-Training
Young people are known for mixing up the sequence “ready, aim, fire” to something more akin to ready, fire, uh…aim”, but Tracy Egan Morrissey, over at Jezebel has certainly taken some of the kiddies to ‘school’ on how responsibility goes hand-in-hand…