あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、先日スラドでもIBMの従業員へのCOVID-19ワクチン接種義務化が話題となったばかりだが、米南部テキサス州のアボット知事は11日、民間企業を含む州内の全組織に対し、ワクチン接種の義務化を禁じる知事令を出した(CNN、ロイター、NHK、日経新聞)。 米国では9月にバイデン大統領が大企業や連邦行政機関に対して従業員のワクチン接種(または感染結果の定期提出)を義務化する計画を発表。IBMの他、GoogleやFacebook、ユナイテッド航空など多くの企業が従業…
Pentagon Says Hypersonic Weapons Are Too Expensive
The Pentagon wants defense contractors to cut the ultimate cost of hypersonic weapons, the head of research and development said on Tuesday, as the next generation of super-fast missiles being developed currently cost tens of millions per unit. From a …
A Record Number of Workers Are Quitting Their Jobs, Empowered by New Leverage
The number of people quitting their jobs has surged to record highs, pushed by a combination of factors that include Americans sensing ample opportunity and better pay elsewhere. From a report: Some 4.3 million people quit jobs in August, according to …
1955年に運用が開始された米空軍の爆撃機、ボーイング「B-52」ストラトフォートレス。このB-52のエンジン換装の予算が下りたことが報じられている。現在は米プラット・アンド・ホイットニー製のTF33-PW-103を8基搭載しているが、これを新たに選定された英ロールス・ロイス製のエンジン「F130」に換装することに決まったという(U.S. AIR FORCE、 Aviation Wire、乗りものニュース)。
Building friendships based on principles from arranged marriage
A woman had a hard time making friends — until she built a group based on arranged marriage. “What makes it work are key elements borrowed from arranged marriages: commit first, lean on structure, and allow for fun and intimacy to emerge and sustain t…
More Vaccinations, Less Pushback: America’s Vaccine Mandates Are Working, Says Public Health Professor
Last month U.S. President Biden issued “a mandate that all companies with more than 100 workers require vaccination or weekly testing,” rememembers the New York Times, and “also moved to mandate shots for health care workers, federal contractors and a …
旧聞に類する話ではあるが米国でコイルガンが製品化され、市販されているそうだ。今回販売される米Arcflash Labs製のコイルガン「GR-1 ANVIL」はオンラインで3375ドルという価格で販売されるとしている(Arcflash Labs、ミリレポ、ナゾロジー)。
Trolling for American hearts and minds
Troll farms reached 140 million Americans a month on Facebook before 2020 election, internal report shows, MIT Technology Review, Karen Hao, September 16, 2021 [alternate link]. In the run-up to the 2020 election, Facebook’s most popular pages for Chri…
Utilities Took Public Money, Gave CEOs Millions, and Then Turned People’s Lights Off During the Pandemic
A new report finds that some of the country’s most powerful utilities raked in millions of dollars in taxpayer bailout funds last year — while continuing to shut off service for households across the U.S. during the pandemic. Gizmodo: The report, rele…