Sharpen your Cosmic Latte colored pencil and explore the universe with the Exoplanet Travel Bureau Coloring Book. (Bonus: NASA coloring pages for kids.)
“sperm book”
Scientists mail freeze-dried mouse sperm on a postcard (Science Daily): Researchers in Japan have developed a way to freeze dry sperm on a plastic sheet in weighing paper so that samples can withstand being mailed via postcard. This method allows for m…
Ore You Going To Eat That?
Baby Starfish by A. Jarrett (cc by-nc-nd)Today in Weird Science!: A handy guide to the rocks and minerals of Minecraft, teensy little cannibals who eat their own siblings for their own survival, and hot, hot, sweaty manikins.(Hey, it’s Weird Science th…
Gonna Make You Sweat
Sure, that piece of technical gear breathes, wicks, or insulates. But how do garment and gear manufacturers back up those claims? By testing the pieces on a sweating thermal manikin (YT). Meet Newton, Liz, and Baby Ruth, several members of a growing fa…
When a family meal means something else
Baby sea stars may look innocent and adorable, but they’re teensy little cannibals and eat their own siblings for their own survival, according to a new study. Two researchers discovered this behavior among baby Forbes’ sea stars (Asterias forbesi) by …
Theme Week
We’re having theme weeks as part of our fundraising month, and the theme for this week is WEIRD SCIENCE! Also currently in Metatalk, Show Us Your View!
Never try to hold lava in your hands, especially not in the real world.
A handy guide to the rocks and minerals of Minecraft. (SL labor of love from Jolyon Ralph of, “the world’s largest open database of minerals, rocks, meteorites and the localities they come from.”)