この記事は「インデックスされない問題」関連3つの記事をひとつにまとめ直し、さらに追記を加えた構成となっております。時系列はそのままに並べていますが、分かりにくい箇所は日付を併せて表記しております。 ブロガーにとってGoo […]…
WordPressテーマ「SWELL」の評判・レビューが本当なのか試してみた(Page Experience・Core Web Vitals にも少し触れる)
当ブログは立ち上げ当初からWordPressテーマにCocoonを使用していた。そのカスタマイズ性の高さは、デザインすることの楽しさやパフォーマンスの重要性を自分に教えてくれた。 しかし弄れば弄るほどどこかにしわ寄せが出 […]…
11月。早いものでハロウィンも終わり世間はこのまま年末モード突入、クリスマスまで一気になだれ込むんだろうな。だんだん1年が早くなってきている。そしていつの間にか年末を迎える。ホント歳は取りたくない。 というわけで運営3ヶ […]…
【図解】Windows Server 2019 :プライベートIPアドレス確認・変更方法
Windows Server 2019で使用している端末のプライベートIPアドレスの確認、および IPアドレスを手動で変更する方法を説明します。プライベートIPアドレスは、端末に割り当てられた住所にあたるものです。 本記 […]
Pricing Tables: Best Designs and WordPress Plugins
If you’re a regular online shopper, you’ve definitely come across pricing tables before. Pricing tables are an important feature of websites that sell online. These tables help customers compare product features and prices.
Pricing tables need to be simple and …
Step by step instructions to Be a Blogger
Can I create a website or blog, and can I achieve this? This question is asked by many, and the answer to it is the easiest thing to do. In this topic, we will explain the correct way or way to create a website or blog.
Step by step instructions to Be a Blogger |
If you are still interested, do the following:
1. Hosting and Domain
Bluehost could be the best facilitating supplier for WordPress blogs simultaneously there is a lot of different suppliers for facilitating. I bought a common facilitating plan for quite some time alongside a one-year free area which will be recharged following a year.
You can buy a facilitating that you feel is appropriate for you by choosing the ideal arrangement, you can make a buy by information exchange/login. The space can be bought in Bluehost or from some other supplier. By and by you can sign in to Bluehost with the confirmations they sent off to you. A screen will show up once you sign in and you can sign in to your WordPress to deal with your blog. Prevent your website from being hacked.
2. Theme
There are many free WordPress topics accessible, I have been utilizing the Ocean WP subject for my WordPress blog. The point is absolutely free and you can present every one of the necessary modules on it.
Go to your space name/wp-head and login for e.g region/wp-chairman. When you sign in there will be a dashboard and go to appearance and subjects.
Once explored to this space type the name of the subject in the pursuit box then, at that point, introduce and actuate.
3. SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL empowers the safe scrambled connection between the web server and the program. Bluehost executes a free SSL for every one of the destinations with WordPress.Either you can enact the SSL for your WordPress blog going to the charging login or you can contact the help of the Bluehost and request the SSL to initiation.
4. Mail Configuration and Contact Form
After the fruition of all the above advances, you can make webmail for your area. Use e.g.If the area is tekengine.org, The email could be ashif@tekengine.org
Go to Email in Bluehost account >email>Add Email Account. You can add the email you need and give the part then, make a record.
When you made the email go to webmail and sign in with the made email address and the password(which is utilized to login into your Bluehost account)
5. Plugins
Here is a portion of the supportive modules which I use for my Bluehost WordPress blog.
Contact Form 7: It’s a straightforward and fa adaptable contact structure.
Google XML Sitemap for Images: This module will produce an XML Image Sitemap for your WordPress blog
Google XML Sitemap for Videos: This module will produce an XML Video Sitemap for your WordPress blog
myStickymenu: Simple crude (fixed on top) menu execution for the course menu.
Brassy Social Share: Slickest, Simplest, and Optimized Share buttons. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest.
Smush: Reduce picture record sizes, further foster execution and lift your SEO
Responsive Posts Carousel: Slider Plugin for WordPress
Yoast SEO: in all cases, SEO reply for WordPress, recollecting for page content examination
Go to the director leading group of the webpage referred to in a state of harmony 2 then, investigate to Plugins>Add new and present the modules or you can download all of those modules and move them independently.
6. Blog Development
Make every one of the pages required for the blog pages>add new, give the fitting name for every one of the pages then, at that point, go to apprearance>menu you can see every one of the names of the made pages under pages, presently make another menu and name it then, at that point, check the cases of page names you need and snap add to menu then, at that point, save, this you can see on your WordPress blog.
Merry go round
Dashboard>carousel and make a merry go round. You can supervise which post is to be displayed on the carousel.
Dashboard>appearance>widget.Just drag the available contraption and drop it to sliders and footers.
Go to appearance>customize, find the footer base from the page, and change.
Dashboard>Posts>add new, give the post name and start to form the post and circulate, you can manage the carousel which post to appear on the slider of the greeting page.
Dashboard>Pages>add new, give the page name and in the title form the substance you need on it and circulate. This page you can add to the menu also.
7. Bring in Money From Your Blog
Bloggers are setting their Google promotions on their blogs to bring in cash. Blog pay does bloggers bring in cash online also it’s an automated revenue for that you need to make a Google AdSense account and present your site for endorsement.
When your site got endorsed you can sign in to it and make advertisement units and spot the code in your blog, inside a couple of hours it will the blog. On the off chance that anybody taps the promotion put in your blog, you will get not many pennies for it, which will be visible in your advertisement sense account.
For more information and to start a successful blog, please visit here
The Automattic TC-1
Sixteen years in and now valued at $7.5 billion, Automattic has found a multitude of strides, even as it strives to own ever more of the media market.
WordPressで出たエラーと解決方法についてまとめました。 現在メンテナンス中のため、しばらくの間ご利用いただけません WordPressでプラグインのアップデートを行いました。 しばらくすると 「現在 […]…
WordPressブログにGoogleアドセンスの審査用コードを簡単に設置する方法をお探しの方向け。 Googleアドセンスを申請する際、審査用コードをヘッダータグの間に設置する必要があります。 しかし、W […]…
こんにちは、岩城です。 LightsailでWordPressを立てて、CloudFront経由でWordPressにアクセスする機会がありました。 Lightsailそのものはとても設定が簡単なのですが、オリジンへ転送 […]