C# でグラフを描画するには WinForms の Chart を使うことが多いと思いますが、OxyPlot を使うと簡単に描画できるようです。OxyPlotとは?については公式サイトを見てください。 oxyplot.github.io リアルタイムではなく、一度にプロットするための方法については Qiita やらサンプルコードに書いてあるのでキーワード検索してみてください。 つくるもの りあるたいむにうごく!(かっこいいね!) ぐらふもほぞんできるよ! つくってみよう 今回は .NET Core 3.1 で作成します。 NuGet にて OxyPlot.Wpf を導入します。 XAML にて…
WPF and WindowsFormsHost
I recently ran into a solution for one of the commonly known “Airspace issues” of the WindowsFormsHost. As a result of my research i figured out, that WindowsFormsHost (and any other windows forms content) is always rendered on top of WPF content.My pr…
DataBinding Example: Window.Topmost with a ToggleButton
In this small example i want to show, how DataBinding can be used to toggle a Window’s Topmost property without a single line of code:First create a WPF Window with a Toolbar and a ToggleButton in it:<Window x:Class=”TextXUI”xmlns=”http://schemas.mi…
CheckedListBox with WPF
Since the WPF control library lacks a number of nice controls from windows forms one either has to buy one the pricy WPF libraries or build the necessary controls on his own. Here’s my implementation of a CheckedListBox with an item context menu.First …
Why does TabControl raise SelectionChanged events even if there is no change?
When hosting any WPF control in a TabItem that inherits from Selector (such as ComboBox, ListBox a.s.o), the SelectionChanged event is routed from the hosted children up to the TabItem. Because the event is not marked especially originating from a Comb…