
The duo’s groundbreaking music takes the mischievous appeal of their home city’s sound and adds a fresh dose of dark ambience

Joshua Inyang and Joshua Reid’s Space Afrika project is galactic in scope. When the duo started releasing music in 2014, they were heavily influenced by the dub-techno of Berlin – where Reid now lives – and Detroit. Their work matured through the sound and voice-collage aesthetic of their NTS Radio shows and last year’s fiercely politicised hybtwibt? (Have You Been Through What I’ve Been Through?) mixtape. Incorporating film and photography, it hinted at the maverick British spirit of Tricky, Burial and Dean Blunt. Their new album, Honest Labour – pulling Twin Peaks torch song, cryptic rap, composition and more into their magisterial dark ambience – suggests ambition as grand as their band name.

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