Qualcomm has announced some key changes to how it brands its Snapdragon chips, including a shift away from the three-digit numbering system it’s been using to differentiate between its products for years. From a report: To start, Snapdragon will now exist as a standalone brand, separate from the “Qualcomm” brand (which won’t be showing up as much on its chips). It’s a direction the company has started moving in earlier this year (the Snapdragon 888 Plus badge, for example, notably lacked the word “Qualcomm”), but today’s news solidifies that plan going forward. But the biggest change might be in how the company handles actually naming its semiconductor products.
For years, Qualcomm has labeled its chips with three-digit names, like the Snapdragon 480, Snapdragon 765, or Snapdragon 888. The first number broadly informed customers how powerful the chip was (with the 8-series chips serving as flagships, while 4-series models were for entry-level products). The second number typically indicated annual generational releases (going from a Snapdragon 865 to an 875), while changes in the third number generally showed more minor updates (like the Snapdragon 765G to the Snapdragon 768G). The problem, though, is that in addition to being slightly jargony and confusing to keep track of, Qualcomm is also simply running out of numbers in its naming scheme. The 8-series lineup hit Snapdragon 888 last year, the 7-series is already at Snapdragon 780, and the 6-series is already on the brink with the Snapdragon 695. Going forward, though, Qualcomm says that it’ll be shifting to “a single-digit series and generation number, aligning with other product categories,” starting with the upcoming announcement of its next 8-series flagship (which had previously been expected to be called the Snapdragon 898, based on Qualcomm’s old pattern).
Read more of this story at Slashdot.