
Carrie Hope Fletcher is the star of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella; Oliver Ormson is in Disney’s Frozen. The pair discuss romance, musicals and returning to the stage amid theatre’s crisis

You could say they’re a fairytale couple: Prince Charming and the belle of the ball. Or simply, as the line in Frozen goes, that they finish each other’s sandwiches. Oliver Ormson is playing the fiendishly handsome Hans of the Southern Isles in the West End staging of that Disney juggernaut. His partner, Carrie Hope Fletcher, is the star of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella, just up the road.

Fletcher and Ormson are a formidable musical-theatre twosome. They met on a tour of The Addams Family, moved in together before lockdown and, after a series of Covid curveballs, are relishing their roles in shows that both received five-star reviews in this paper. If Ormson gets booed most nights, well, it just “means you’ve done your job well,” Fletcher cheerfully reminds him.

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