
Anyone who knows or reads me, knows that I have plenty of bones to pick with President Obama about the last four years. Nevertheless, I plan to vote for him, as the lesser of evils (certainly a far cry from why I voted for him in 2008). Today’s bone is special and about why in hell he let Mitt open a can of whup-ass on him in the debate. I mean really – the only lie Mitt did not tell that night was that his best friend growing up was an old black man named ‘Smokey’.

Being presidential is one thing, getting punk’d by Mitt is quite the other. Samuel Jackson, and his kids, had to be throwing around the F-bombs like M&M’s that night.

I think Obama forgot the most important numbers. Fifty percent of Americans don’t think his behind should have ever THOUGHT that a black man should run the country. Another twenty-five percent said we will give you ONE CHANCE, so you better not F— it up! That leaves only another twenty-five percent solidly in his corner.

Now, while the one-chancer’s are willing to concede that the devil-duo of Bush/Cheney left way more than a hella-mess for Obama to deal with, no one likes to see their leader get his ass whupped by a lying-thieving private-equity bastard who made his fortune by buying companies, loading them with debt, raping them, and then shooting them in the head. Nice f—ing guy!

I have never seen so many depressed Dems and Independents in my life! The Repubs are saying, ‘hell, we just might win this MF’!

James C. Collier


Technorati Tags: Obama Blinks All Debate, Romney Surges, Debate, Politics, Punk’d, Election, Acting White