
Albert Hall, Manchester
With quiff, microphone twirls and in-ear monitors resembling hearing aids, 55-year-old Astley makes an an eerily good Morrissey

The idea of the 80s Stock, Aitken and Waterman hitmaker “performing the songs of the Smiths” with Stockport’s Blossoms might sound like a drunken pub joke, but it’s a ludicrously hot ticket. Two thousand people bellow along at the ultimate Smiths karaoke. Roars go up when Astley Rickrolls into the high notes in What Difference Does It Make? and again when Blossoms’ Tom Ogden nails the harmonica in Hand In Glove.

It shouldn’t work, but it does because the songs are glorious and presented with care and detail. Our hosts walk on in the former Wesleyan chapel – a very Smithsy venue – to the Coronation Street theme and will later exit clutching gladioli. “Marry me” is daubed across the drum kit as it was on Morrissey’s chest on Top of the Pops in 1984.

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