
Okay, so it’s been nearly a year since I wrote my last post. Hmmm… that probably won’t change. I’ll just keep this blog open for when I feel inspired and have the time to sit. Here’s my life in list format:

1. The sun is shining AND it’s Friday. Praise God. Please make this snow go away.

2. Eden is sporting her ballerina outfit this morning. She’s been showing me what she learned from class… I’ve never taken dance before, but I did not know there was a balloon move.

3. A friend gave me farm fresh eggs the other day. Mmmm…

4. Blessed that my clients continually open their door week to week allowing me to join in on the mess of daily living. Certainly wouldn’t get this kind of relationship if they came to my office. It’s an honor to have my job.

5. Rhys is counting and starting to sing the “abc” song. This stage is so much fun.

6. One month since we’ve become debt free! We took the month off from money management and bought an armoire and flat screen TV. Our old, old, old TV has served us well over the past eight years, and to the others before it was given to us.

7. I miss our early years in which we didn’t have cable TV. Trying to convince the hubby to go back in time. He ain’t buying it. 🙂

8. God is doing an amazing work in my life. He’s leading me through a hurdle that I’ve been staring at for a little while, and it’s so humbling and wonderful to see where we’re going together.

9. Eden keeps asking to take piano lessons. I am incredibly excited about this… though she should probably wait another year? Anyone know when an appropriate time to learn happens to be?

10. Thinking about school for the fall… considering montessori, public preschool, and even homeschooling…. yikes. Liking montessori the most right now.

11. Trying to gear up for a 5k in spring with a friend and some family. Hoping it’s warmer than last year.

12. So proud of how hard my wonderful husband works to provide… and still has time to play with the kids and do chores around the house. So blessed to have him.

13. Getting ever so much closer to being done with our house… we still have to do lighting, trim, another painting job, backsplash, but… we’re closer. 🙂

14. Looking forward to spring break! We’re all taking time as a family to do some fun close to home activities… maybe water park? Children’s Museum? Discovery Center? So excited.

15. It’s spring people! Hooray!!