If the solution to experience bias is variation in front-end design based on the needs of the individual, one way we can radically accelerate that is to understand where automation can be applied.
Using tech to transform vegetation management in the wake of the Dixie Fire
Elijah Priwer Contributor Elijah Priwer is a mechanical engineering student at UC Berkeley, whose interests lie in aerospace engineering, artificial intelligence and astrophysics. Rita Rosiek Contributor Share on Twitter Rita Rosiek is a New York-based copywriter and marketer whose work spans startups and emerging technologies. Wildfires have become an increasingly regular occurrence across the world, […]
Navigating data privacy legislation in a global society
Data privacy standards would establish a baseline of fairness that spans geographic borders and works for companies at any stage.
We don’t just need an AV revolution — we need a design evolution
Building an autonomous vehicle without any changes in design is like building a cell phone with a rotary dial.
Sharing mobility data without compromising privacy
Innovative mobility options provide cities with opportunities to solve the last-mile transportation problem, and the data from these services has a range of uses, but there are valid privacy concerns.
Dear Sophie: Any advice for getting media coverage for my startup?
I’m an entrepreneur working on building up my qualifications for the EB-1A green card (or maybe an O-1A). Toward that goal, I’ve been trying to get media coverage about my startup. Any advice?
Ukraine’s crypto legislation is a step in the right direction
With corruption, unlawful asset seizures by politicians and the collapse of several of Ukraine’s prominent banks, it is only reasonable that the decentralized nature of Bitcoin appeals to the people.
The new era of education is high-tech and high-touch
As we return to school this fall, we can blend the best of technology with the best of the classroom experience.
Brands considering a live-shopping strategy must lean on influencers
Ahead of a volatile retail season, one theme is clear: It’s a now-or-never moment for brands to adopt live shopping, expand their audience ownership and build a new community of influencers.
Crypto liquidity is ready to eat cross-border payments’ lunch
Traditional foreign exchange companies will need to change their revenue models, which currently rely heavily on transaction fees, or risk becoming obsolete.