Historiansplaining is a history podcast by Samuel Biagetti, a historian (and antique dealer) with a Phd in early American history. A small-time podcast with sometimes surprising range and depth and a few real gems, broadly structured in three series:
Mdou Moctar
Mdou Moctar stands out as one of the most innovative artists in contemporary Saharan music. Afrique Victime is the fullest portrait of Moctar’s gifts that he has offered yet. Live in Niamey, Niger. Mdou Moctar | Live at Chicago Music Exchange | Full Se…
Woodstock 99: Peace, Love and Rage
Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage
How did an iconic celebration of harmony descend into mayhem? Woodstock 99, the first film in Bill Simmons’ Music Box HBO series, examines how the festival collapsed under the weight of its own misguided ambition. “A…