Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Adds IPv6 Networking

Starting today, you can deploy applications that use IPv6 address space on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Many of our customers are standardizing Kubernetes as their compute infrastructure platform for cloud and on-premises applications. Amazon EKS makes it easy to deploy containerized workloads. It provides highly available clusters and automates tasks such as patching, node […]

Use New Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances to Build & Test Apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV

Last year at AWS re:Invent, Jeff Barr wrote about the exciting availability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Mac instances. Today, we’re announcing the preview of a new EC2 M1 Mac instance. The introduction of EC2 Mac instances brought the flexibility, scalability, and cost benefits of AWS to all Apple developers. EC2 Mac instances […]

New – Site-to-Site Connectivity with AWS Direct Connect SiteLink

We are launching AWS Direct Connect SiteLink, a new capability of AWS Direct Connect that lets you create connections between your on-premises networks through the AWS global network backbone. Until today, when you needed direct connectivity between your data centers or branch offices, you had to rely on public internet or expensive and hard-to-deploy fixed […]

Enhanced Amazon S3 Integration for Amazon FSx for Lustre

Today, we are announcing two additional capabilities of Amazon FSx for Lustre. First, a full bi-directional synchronization of your file systems with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), including deleted files and objects. Second, the ability to synchronize your file systems with multiple S3 buckets or prefixes. Lustre is a large scale, distributed parallel file […]

Preview – AWS Backup Adds Support for Amazon S3

Starting today, you can preview AWS Backup for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). AWS Backup is a fully managed, policy-based service that lets you to centralize and automate the backup and restore of your applications spanning across 12 AWS services: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, Amazon […]

Machine Learning-Powered Amazon Connect, Now With Call Summarization

At AWS our mission is to make machine learning (ML) accessible to data scientists, developers, and business users. To help businesses easily leverage the power of ML, we create purpose-built solutions that embed ML and deep learning technologies directly into a business process to address real customer needs, rather than leaving companies to sort it […]

New – Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive

I am pleased to announce the availability of Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive, a new storage tier for the long-term retention of Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots of your EBS volumes. In a nutshell, EBS is an easy-to-use high-performance block storage service for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. An EBS volume mounted […]

New – Amazon CloudWatch Evidently – Experiments and Feature Management

As a developer, I am excited to announce the availability of Amazon CloudWatch Evidently. This is a new Amazon CloudWatch capability that makes it easy for developers to introduce experiments and feature management in their application code. CloudWatch Evidently may be used for two similar but distinct use-cases: implementing dark launches, also known as feature […]

New – AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces Helps to Incrementally Refactor Your Applications

I am excited to announce the preview of AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces, a new capability of AWS Migration Hub to let you refactor existing applications into distributed applications, typically based on microservices. There are multiple reasons why you want to refactor existing applications. You might want to make your code more modular, use more […]