“After experiencing it for myself, it seems absurd that this fundamental strangeness of Facebook isn’t a regular topic of conversation.” Kaitlyn Tiffany makes the world’s blandest Facebook profile to see what’s going on over there. (unpaywalled version)
Can someone explain how this video has 4.1M Views but has 200 likes?????
I really can’t think of a more perfect encapsulation of the last 10 stupid and wasteful years of bloated VC-funded digital media than a constantly-pivoting digital publisher launched by two Goldman Sachs employees abusing underpaid staffers, dangling u…
indie game dev burnout glitchless any% WR speedrun
Quintin Smith takes a look at how Roblox works.
someone could do an entire doctoral dissertation on this
The Soviet Union is out of business and GORBY’S LOSS IS YOUR GAIN!!! Here’s what you actually got.