I’ve been on a plane and shaken people’s hands but as restrictions lift, I still haven’t been to a pub or to a live show I am sitting in front of my computer when my wife rings me from a train platform.“Busy?” she says. Continue reading…
Tim Dowling: My childhood home has been taken over by wildlife
I don’t recognise the place where I grew up any more. The skyline has mutated and there are animals everywhereAt the beach down the road from my father’s house in Connecticut there is a goose standing on one leg near the water’s edge. It’s standing on …
Tim Dowling: hallelujah, the dog’s gone on holiday
No dog sleeping on my feet or barking when the bell rings, or staring at me intently as I make coffee or try to watch TVI wake and stretch my legs until they reach the end of the bed. The sun is shining and my mood is unaccountably light. I can’t think…