Valve Bans Blockchain Games and NFTs On Steam

Games that use blockchain technology or let users exchange NFTs or cryptocurrencies won’t be allowed on Steam, according to a rule added to Valve’s “What you shouldn’t publish on Steam” list. The Verge reports: The change was pointed out by SpacePirate…

Shooting for greater privacy in DeFi, Sienna Network launches SiennaSwap

The rise of privacy-oriented financial blockchain projects are going to be crucial if “DeFi” (decentralized finance) is to have any kind of future. We have come to expect privacy in our “normal” financial lives, so we will expect it in the blockchain and Crypto world, whatever some might claim. We saw murmurs of that starting […]

Bitcoin Set To Become Legal Payment in Brazil

Brazil’s Federal Deputy Aureo Ribeiro has revealed that Brazilians could soon be able to buy houses, cars and even McDonald’s with Bitcoin. From a report: The South American nation is preparing to vote on a cryptocurrency regulation bill which is expec…