Benjamin Franta has published an paper about the role economists in think tanks and academia played in global warming denial.
Amitav Ghosh’s meditations on the myth of the voiceless.
“Mitigate, adapt or suffer”
Electricity is slowly being restored after Hurricane Ida, while areas as far north as New Jersey and New York continue major clean ups from the storm. What we can and should we do in communities that are likely to bear the most intense, repeated impact…
All I crave is a good pub screed
The Spin Bin (YouTube playlist, episodes run about half an hour) is a media project from The Australia Institute that responds point-by-point to misleading climate-change-related media interviews with Australian politicians, filling in the background b…
IPCC’s sixth assesment on Climate Change is out
Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis.
The Guardian: “IPCC report’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell”
New York Times: “Even if nations started sharply cutting emissions today, total global warming is likely to rise aro…
Last chance for US climate legislation
The home stretch. It’s time to pay attention, call your members of Congress, and mobilize your networks. Crunch time: this is America’s last chance at serious climate policy for a decade. It’s going to be a clean energy standard & clean energy tax …
A Film On Possibility
British trancecore band Enter Shikari spent the last few days releasing a series of mini-documentaries, partially about the making of their 2020 album Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible [YouTube playlist], but more interestingly about the sta…
The Dangerous Ideas of “Longtermism” and “Existential Risk”
“So-called rationalists have created a disturbing secular religion that looks like it addresses humanity’s deepest problems, but actually justifies pursuing the social preferences of elites.”
looking for recalcitrant molecules
How much carbon could soil actually sequester? Despite rising enthusiasm for carbon farming in Europe and the U.S., some soil scientists are less optimistic about the climate impacts of soil carbon sequestration. Projects such as the Harnessing Plants …