Britain faces a triple crunch – and the political cost for the Tories could be huge | Larry Elliott

The combined challenges of an economic slowdown, rising energy costs and the transition to net zero loom over this governmentLong before there was talk of an energy crisis, the government had been looking vulnerable. Economic growth is slowing and infl…

‘Impossible’ for Sunak to save on tuition fees without favouring well-off graduates

Chancellor should use income tax rather than student loan repayments, says Institute for Fiscal StudiesRishi Sunak will find it “essentially impossible” to save money on university tuition fees in England without hurting graduates on average earnings i…

Autumn budget must show financial firepower behind ‘levelling up’ | Richard Partington

As the UK economy enters a rough patch, government needs to give substance to its flagship soundbiteBritain’s economic recovery from lockdown is stalling and inflation is on the rise. With the approach of autumn, prophecies made earlier this year for a…