An anonymous reader quotes a report from BleepingComputer: Eurostar is testing a new biometric facial recognition technology on passengers traveling from London’s St Pancras International station to continental Europe. The passengers will be given the …
EU Official: Semiconductor Independence Is Impossible
According to Margrethe Vestager, EU’s Commissioner for Competition, it’s unlikely that the EU will ever become completely independent from other countries as far as semiconductor supply is concerned. Tom’s Hardware reports: Leading contract makers of s…
Delivery, Ride-Hailing Firms Fight EU Plan for Gig Workers
Companies that run food delivery and ride-hailing apps are concerned that the European Union will push for gig workers to be considered employees rather than self-employed under a forthcoming proposal aimed at bolstering their labor rights. From a repo…
Tesla forced to turn down €1.1 billion in EU support for German battery plant
Delays to factory near Berlin left carmaker unable to meet EU state aid conditions.
ドイツ北端のシュレースビヒ・ホルシュタイン州では、自治体や学校で使用するコンピューターのソフトウェアをオープンソースソフトウェアに切り替える計画を進めているそうだ (The Document Foundation の記事、 heise online の記事、 Windows Central の記事、 The Register の記事)。
州デジタル大臣のヤン・フィリップ・アルブレヒト氏によれば、2026 年の終わりまでに25,000台のコンピューターで Microsoft Office を Lib…
WhatsApp Privacy Policy Tweaked in Europe After Record Fine
WhatsApp is rewriting its privacy policy as a result of a huge data protection fine earlier this year. From a report: Following an investigation, the Irish data protection watchdog issued a $253.29m fine — the second-largest in history over GDPR — an…
We Have Always Been At War With Blue
Sacré bleu: French flag changes colour – but no one notices [Grauniad] Macron secretly changed the French flag’s bright blue to navy [Quartz]
欧州委員会が推進する「HORIZON 2020」プロジェクトにおいて、既存の電力網に頼らずに海水淡水化を実現できる、2つの新しいプロセスが検討されている。微生物淡水化細胞(MDC)技術および波力駆動逆浸透膜技術によるもの […]
The post 電力不要で海水を淡水化――EU主導で進行中の海水淡水化プロジェクト first appeared on fabcross for エンジニア.
As Debate Drags on In Europe, the Fate of Daylight Saving Time Remains In Limbo
Why didn’t the European Union drop its annual observation of Daylight Saving Time? ABC News reports:
[I]n 2018, the European Parliament voted to end the practice after a poll of 4.8 million Europeans showed overwhelming support for scrapping it. Critic…
iPhoneへのサイドロード許可は「サイバー犯罪者にとって最高の友人」。アップル幹部がEU法案に強く反対 – Engadget 日本版
iPhoneへのサイドロード許可は「サイバー犯罪者にとって最高の友人」。アップル幹部がEU法案に強く反対 アップルのソフトウェアエンジニアリング担当VPクレイグ・フェデリギ氏が、Web Summit 2021カンファレンスの基調講演にてiPhoneにサイドロード(公式ルート外のアプリのインストール)を認めるよう義務づけるEUの動き…