Business minister bids to calm crisis fears as UK gas prices soar

No cause for alarm now, says Kwasi Kwarteng as energy discussions are likened to early Covid crisis talksThe government was scrambling on Saturday night to reassure Britons that rising gas prices would not plunge the country into an energy crisis, as m…

Brexit: food and drink exports to EU suffer ‘disastrous’ decline

First-half sales fall £2bn, says industry body, as barriers are compounded by staff shortagesExports of food and drink to the EU have suffered a “disastrous” decline in the first half of the year because of Brexit trade barriers, with sales of beef and…

UK food firms beg ministers to let them use prisoners to ease labour shortages

Meat processors and others say they must have more day release workers as they cannot find enough staffDesperate food manufacturers are pleading with the government to be able to call upon prisoners to solve a labour crisis blamed on the double blow of…