Digital ID tech is moving fast. #GoodID will ensure it doesn’t break things

Robert Karanja Contributor Share on Twitter Robert Karanja is a Director of Responsible Technology and Africa Lead for Omidyar Network and is based in Nairobi, Kenya.  The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated many technological shifts – how many of us knew what Zoom was before last spring? Rapidly-developed mRNA COVID vaccines are themselves a case study […]

WhatsApp now lets users encrypt their chat backups in the cloud

WhatsApp is beginning to roll out a new feature that will provide its two billion users the option to encrypt their chat history backup in iCloud or Google Drive, patching a major loophole that has been exploited by governments to obtain and review private communication between individuals. WhatsApp has long encrypted chats between users on […]





あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、総務省は日本郵政が顧客のデータを企業に販売できるように法改正を目指しており、そのため個人情報保護ガイドラインを来年夏までに見直すことがわかった(産経新聞)。 日本郵政グループは郵便物の配達状況から全国各地の住所について居住実態・自動車の保有状況・店舗の開店閉店情報などを把握している。今後、その居住者情報を災害時に自治体に提供することで安否確認に利用したり、自動車保有状況をデータベース化して自動車販売ディーラーに販売し営業に利用してもらうなどの新規事業を想定…

It’s a big moment for climate change. Here are 4 books for autumn to understand what’s changing

We’re just weeks away from COP26, the big environmental policy confab where scores of world leaders will descend on Scotland and determine the future of the planet, answering the question, “Should we all die or live?” That’s meant a whole truckload of new books on the subject, as well as renewed attention to older works […]

Everything is accelerating in the exponential age

Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride. The pace of change over the last few decades is only set to accelerate in the coming years, as improvements in biology, medicine, spacecraft, manufacturing, software and more continue to transform the very foundations of society, economics and politics. We cover these innovations pretty much daily […]