Gradient, 10xFounders back Zowie’s no-code, e-commerce customer service tool

Customer service tickets tend to fall into the same few buckets — returns, refunds or quality control questions. Not only are these repetitive, but it leaves little time for customer engagement on more complex requests, like relaying information on products or helping a customer find the best product for them. Maja Schaefer and Matt Ciolek, […]

UK class action lodged against Meta seeks $3.1B for breach of competition law

A competition legal expert, backed by a powerful litigation fund, is set to mount a multibillion-dollar class action suit against Facebook/Meta for breach of competition law on the basis that it abused its dominance of social networking in the U.K. for several years. If successful, the action would see Facebook having to pay $3.1 billion […]

WhatsApp 新功能 播放語音時可離開聊天介面

一直以來,人們聽 WhatsApp 語音時若離開聊天介面便會停止播放語音訊息。不過有時一些錄音太長,要聽完才能換到其他 Chatroom,實在有點浪費時間。 來自 WABetainfo 的消息,WhatsApp for iOS Beta 版及 WhtasApp Business  Beta 中測試,讓部份測試者試用新功能語音播放功能,用戶播放語音時,可離開聊天介面需不會暫停語音播放。相信對聽一些較長的語音訊息會很有幫助。…

Meta files federal lawsuit to uncover individuals running a phishing scam on its platforms

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, announced today that it has filed a federal lawsuit in California court to take action to uncover individuals running a phishing scam. The company says the legal action aims to disrupt phishing attacks that are designed to trick people into sharing their login credentials on fake login pages for Facebook, […]

WhatsApp 增強自動刪除訊息功能

現時,WhatsApp 用戶可以選擇為所有新對話預設開啟自動刪除訊息功能。啟用功能後,所有由用戶或對方發起的一對一新對話會根據所選時長自動刪除,而 WhatsApp 亦已經在建立群組對話中提供新選項,讓用戶在建立群組時啟動此功能。這個新功能並非強制,而且不會更改或刪除任何現有的對話。 除了現有的 7 日,WhatsApp 最新亦為自動刪除訊息功能加入了兩個新的時長選擇:24 小時和 90 日。 如用戶選擇開啟預設自動刪除訊息功能, WhatsApp 會在對話中顯示一個訊息,告訴用戶這是用戶所選的預設…

UK’s antitrust watchdog orders Facebook to sell Giphy

In a significant push against big tech’s ability to maintain market dominance through sheer buying power, the UK’s competition watchdog has ordered Facebook (now Meta) to reverse its acquisition of animated GIF platform, Giphy — confirming the Financial Times‘ earlier reporting. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said its phase 2 investigation cemented its earlier […]

WhatsApp 將加入 FB 的 Reaction 反應表情

Facebook 的 Reaction 反應表情很受歡迎,用戶除了可點 Like 也可點「心心」、「傷心」、「嬲」等等。而來自 WABetaInfo 的消息,指 WhatsApp iOS 版正開發 Reaction 反應功能,但這功能相信也會在 Android 版出現。 不過,早前已知 WhatsApp 在其內部測試版本中出現過……

WhatsApp 支援一帳號多裝置同時連線

近日,WhatsApp 開始讓 Desktop 版本無須連接手機的情況下跟手機版同步使用。而今天,iOS 版及 Android 版也支援了一帳號多裝置同時連線功能。當中個人訊息、媒體和通話均經端對端加密。 用戶最多可在 4 台裝置同時連線,但 WhatsApp 帳戶只能連結一部手機。當中包括 iOS /Android 混合使用。一經連結主手機後,其他裝置無須連接 Smartphone,可在不同地方使用。不過,如果手機沒有使用 14 天以上,連結的裝置會自動斷開中止連結。……