Global Processing Services adds $100M to its coffers to grow its embedded finance and API payments platform

Embedded finance continues to be the engine driving the growth of fintech, with one group of companies building core banking, payments and other financial technology, and a much bigger group tapping that technology through APIs to build customer-facing businesses. Today, one of the bigger players on the core technology side — Global Processing Services — […]


量子センサーを商用化できるほど小型で、エネルギー効率が高くかつ信頼性の高いデバイスが初めて開発された。将来的にはGPSに頼らないナビゲーションシステムが実用可能になるかもしれない。この研究は米サンディア国立研究所によるも […]

The post GPSを使わないナビゲーションの先駆けとなり得るデバイス――量子センサーの小型化と高耐久化に成功 first appeared on fabcross for エンジニア.


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Vauban, an AngelList-like platform for VCs and angels to run and raise funds, closes $6.3m

It’s always been a slight puzzle why AngelList never really properly took off in Europe, especially when, a few years ago, there was such a dearth of funding options for poorly served European startups. But the reasons are fairly simple when you look at them. For starters, the US tech industry boomed in the last […]


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