Asos offers staff flexible work and paid leave during menopause

Fertility treatment, pregnancy loss and other health and life challenges covered in retailer’s support policyStaff at the online fashion store Asos will be allowed to work flexibly, as well as take time off at short notice, while going through the meno…

Discrimination based on your name alone is a stubborn reality in Britain today | Nasar Meer

Until society confronts institutional and cultural racism, such inequalities will be immune to changes in the lawWhat’s in a name? A great deal it would seem, including perhaps a diminished chance of being shortlisted for a job, offered a university pl…

Black women are lowballed and overlooked at work. It’s time to pay us what we’re worth | Chandra Thomas Whitfield

It takes Black women in the US 19 months to earn what a white man makes in a year. Aja intended to go for a light lunch with a co-worker, instead, things turned out real heavy.Over sandwiches and sodas her white male co-worker casually mentioned his sa…