先日、このようなツイートがありました。 KONAMIはプロ野球選手全員の肖像権を独占して他社から実名を使った野球ゲームを発売させないようにしようとしたことがあったがこの御方がそれを阻止したのはあまり知られていない。 pic.twitter.com/cv9pUlIPYg— ノリマキ@今年もヤクルト日本一! (@norimaki_YS) 2021年12月29日…
The Guardian view on Elizabeth Holmes: fake it to make it until you break it | Editorial
The downfall of the founder of Theranos is a story of hubris and lies – and a parable for a financial system that is badly brokenThe story of how Elizabeth Holmes came to defraud some of the richest and most powerful investors in the US, only to end up…
It’s not the police’s job to shut down political debate. They should stick to solving crime | Sonia Sodha
The appeals court has rightly upheld Harry Miller’s freedom to express his viewsA man gets a call from a police officer. He is told that, while he has done nothing criminal, his social media posts have offended someone, so the police have recorded them…
放置系RPGの著作権侵害 知財高判令3.9.29(令3ネ10028) – IT・システム判例メモ
スマートフォン用RPGのゲームの著作権侵害が争われた事例。 事案の概要 放置系RPG*1と呼ばれるジャンルのA(Xゲーム*2)に係る著作権を共有するXが,同じジャンルのB(Yゲーム*3)を配信するYに対し,著作権(複製権,翻案権,公衆送信権)を侵害するとして,著作権法114条2項に基づく損害賠償4800万円,弁護士費用960万…
Tagging UK asylum seekers: another Patel idea destined to fail?
Despite a string of measures intended to cut numbers, more than 27,000 crossed the Channel in small boats this yearThe home secretary, Priti Patel, has repeatedly promised to curb the number of people arriving on UK shores in small boats by making this…
Polish deputy PM says Germany wants to turn EU into ‘fourth reich’
Jarosław Kaczyński’s remarks in far-right newspaper are latest episode in Poland’s lengthy standoff with EUThe head of Poland’s ruling party, Jarosław Kaczyński, has said Germany is trying to turn the EU into a federal “German fourth reich”.Speaking to…
Barrister who sued after colleague asked him to stop farting loses case
Lawyer said flatulence was caused by heart medication and argued the request violated his dignityA senior barrister who sued the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) after a colleague asked him to stop breaking wind in the room they worked in together has l…
Ex-police officer wins appeal over force’s guidance on hate incidents
Judge rules Humberside’s actions were ‘disproportionate interference’ with right to freedom of expressionA former police officer has won a court of appeal challenge over police guidance on hate incidents after claiming it unlawfully interferes with the…
Human rights are being attacked by the government, not fine-tuned | Letters
Nick Moss says the struggle to defend and extend our rights has to be conducted on the streets, as well as in parliament and the courts. John Robinson fears that we are facing an existential attack on our democracyI agree with Martha Spurrier that this…