An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: The CDC’s independent panel of vaccine scientists unanimously endorsed Pfizer and Moderna’s boosters for all adults, one of the final regulatory steps before the U.S. can officially start distributing the …
Adults Who Microdose Psychedelics Report Health-related Motivations and Lower Levels of Anxiety and Depression, Paper Finds
Abstract of a paper published on Nature: The use of psychedelic substances at sub-sensorium ‘microdoses,’ has gained popular academic interest for reported positive effects on wellness and cognition. The present study describes microdosing practices, m…
FDA Asks Judge To Grant It Until 2076 To Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data
schwit1 shares a report from Substack, written by Aaron Siri. He is the Managing Partner of Siri & Glimstad, a law firm representing the plaintiffs in the case. From the report: The FDA has asked (PDF) a federal judge to make the public wait until …
CBT, chronic pain, and ableism
The article reads as self-congratulatory, biased, and anti-opioid, going so far as to say that therapists are providing a “powerful salve for suffering” despite later admitting that most research only shows one-third of participants experience signific…
New Class of Drug Reverses Paralysis In Mice
An anonymous reader quotes a report from International Business Times: US scientists have developed a new form of drug that promotes the regeneration of cells and reversed paralysis in mice with spinal injuries, allowing them to walk again within four …
ギリシャでワクチン反対派がやらかした行為が話題となっている。このワクチン反対派は、医師に400ユーロ相当の賄賂を支払い、ワクチンの代わりに生理食塩水を注射してもらい、接種証明書をもらおうと試みた。医師らはこの賄賂を受け取ったものの、一部の医師は後々のトラブルを避けるためか、希望された生理食塩水の代わりに本物のワクチンを打ってしまったそうだ。当然ながら本物の医療行為であるため、反対派が法的手段に出ることは難しいとのこと(Keep Talking Greece、らばQ、Sputnik)。
FDA Approves First Psilocin Clinical Trial
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Green Market Report: Exclusively-natural psychedelic drug discovery company Filament Health Corp. received authorization from the FDA authorization to initiate the first clinical trial using naturally-sourced ps…