While Final Fantasy VII Remake does include an updated take on the original game’s infamous crossdressing scene, there isn’t a way to play as Cloud in a dress throughout the game. Or, at least, not an official way. Thankfully, PC players who want Cloud…
Someone Replaced The Dinos In Jurassic World Evolution 2 With Uh… Ice Age Characters
In the original Jurassic Park film, Ian Malcolm has a famous monologue criticizing the park and its very existence. In that speech, he says: “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”…
Deux Ex Gender Swap Lets You Play The Whole Game As A Woman
The Lay D Denton mod is a huge project that takes the original Deus Ex and lets you play through the whole thing not as a gruff cyberpunk dude, but as a gruff cyberpunk woman instead.Read more…