Banking group joins other high street names seeking a fresh income at a time of record low interest ratesIt is already the UK’s largest mortgage lender, and now Lloyds Banking Group aims to become one of its biggest private landlords, with a target of …
Tell us: has the pandemic changed the way you think about your money?
We’re keen to hear whether people in the UK have restructured their personal finances since the pandemic began We’d like to hear about the impact the pandemic may have had on how people in the UK organise and think about their money.Have you had to d…
オリンピック・パラリンピックの会場の一つである新国立競技場。大会後は民間企業に運営権を売却し、国費の負担を軽減する方針だが、買い手が付かないとの報道がいくつかされている。管理・運営費は年間24億円。Jリーグの本拠地にと、東京ガス(FC東京)、メルカリ(鹿島アントラーズ)、楽天(ヴィッセル神戸)などと交渉したとされるが、買い手の見込みは立っていないという(週刊現代、FRIDAY DIGITAL、東京新聞)。
HMRC’s error entering my date of birth could cost me £10,000
It is blocking me from opening a lifetime Isa to supplement my pension savingsHMRC is blocking me from opening a lifetime Isa to supplement my pension savings because of an admin error it had made. You have to apply before the age of 40 and I did so we…
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These People Who Work From Home Have a Secret: They Have Two Jobs
“It’s 100% overwhelming, and my wife’s like, ‘How long can you do this?’ ” he says. But “every other Friday, when those paychecks drop, I am reinvigorated.” Holding two jobs isn’t illegal, says Richard Greenberg, an employment attorney with Jackson Lew…
Downing Street hints pensions triple lock will be watered down
Boris Johnson’s spokesperson has said there are concerns about tying state pensions rise to earningsDowning Street has given its strongest signal yet that the pensions triple lock will be watered down because of the recent surge in average earnings, wh…
Tell us: will you be leaving any inheritance to your children?
If you are lucky enough to be in a position to leave money to your children, we would like to hear from youDaniel Craig, who said “inheritance is distasteful,” joins other celebrities such as Sting, Bill Gates and Nigella Lawson in saying they will not…
Ready meals, new clothes, fairy lights: the products you stopped buying (or wish you had) in the pandemic
For some of us, this has been a time to cut back and live more sustainably. Others have found it harder to rein in their spending. Nine readers reveal how they have saved – or splurgedI bought my own proper coffee machine during the first lockdown and …