FandangoNOW and Vudu merge into a new streaming service with titles to rent, buy or stream free

Last year, movie ticketing and discovery business Fandango, a division of NBCUniversal, bought the on-demand video streaming service Vudu from Walmart, after the retailer had failed to capitalize on the service it had first acquired in 2010 for $100 million. Today, Fandango is taking the next steps with Vudu by merging the service with its […]

“Who owns my name?”

“Does my name belong to me? My face? What about my life? My story? Why does my name refer to events I had no hand in? I return to these questions because others continue to profit off my name, face, & story without my consent.” A Twitter thread (a…


2017 年にサービス終了した動画サービス Vidme の動画を埋め込んだままにしておいたことが原因で、普通のニュースサイトの普通の (古い) ニュース記事にポルノが表示される事態となった(Motherboard の記事、 Bleeping Computer の記事、 The Verge の記事、 The Register の記事)。

Vidme は投稿動画をコミュニティメンバーがキュレーションするという、YouTube と Reddit を組み合わせたようなサービスで、一時は 100 万人近いク…