NASA’s ‘Armageddon’-style asteroid deflection mission takes off in November

NASA has a launch date for that most Hollywood of missions, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, which is basically a dry run of the movie “Armageddon.” Unlike the film, this will not involve nukes, oil rigs or Aerosmith, but instead is a practical test of our ability to change the trajectory of an asteroid in […]

NASA awards $253M to two companies developing electric propulsion tech for aircraft

NASA has chosen two U.S. companies to develop electric propulsion technologies for aircraft, with the aim of introducing this tech to U.S. aviation fleets by 2035. The two companies, GE Aviation and MagniX, will conduct their work over the next five years. That includes ground and flight test demonstrations, as well as collaborations with other […]

NASA、アストロバンの更新を計画 2023年までに

NASAは、長年に渡って使用してきた人員輸送車両(CTV)の更新を検討しています。CTVは「アストロバン」とも呼ばれます。現在使われている車両は1983年製のエアストリームというキャンピングカーをベースにした車両で、銀色 […]

The post NASA、アストロバンの更新を計画 2023年までに first appeared on SlashGear Japan.

NASA、持続可能な有人月着陸システムのコンセプト開発企業 5 社を選定

headless 曰く、NASA は 14 日、持続可能な有人月着陸システム (HLS) のコンセプトを開発する企業 5 社の選定を発表した (プレスリリース、 GeekWire の記事、 、 Ars Technica の記事)。

この契約は Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP-2) Appendix N によるもので、総額 1 億 4,600 万ドル。各社は今後 15 か月間で着陸機の設計コンセプトを開発し…

SpaceX, Blue Origin awarded NASA contracts to develop moon lander concepts for future Artemis missions

NASA has awarded a combined $146 million in contracts to five companies, including SpaceX, Blue Origin and Dynetics, to develop lander concepts as part of the agency’s Artemis program. The awards include $26.5 million to Blue Origin; $40.8 million to Dynetics; $35.2 million to Lockheed Martin; $34.8 million to Northrop Grumman; and $9.4 million to […]