阿明 @KURAMOTOTOMOAKI 来週公開予定の日本語卒業公演の舞台稽古の最中、ある学生が泣きそうな顔で「先生、紅包(ご祝儀袋)が落ちてます⋯」と言ってきた。まさかと思って見に行くと、本当に落ちていてゾッとした。たぶん誰かが落としたものだろうけど。その後、紅包を囲んで教室全体が軽いパニック状態になった。 pic.t…
Those who think only in straight lines cannot see around a curve.
Jofra Bosschat described his works as “Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism.”
He is perhaps best known for his Zodiac Series which has an accompanying contempla…