アメリカの秘宝?!クラフトマンシップ溢れる逸品!PEAK EIGER & アカリセンター特注品!

新しいお取引先からお話があって、取り扱いできることになりました。PEAK LED SOLUTIONS。いやあ、懐かしいですね!ゆうに5年ぶりの入荷じゃないかと。今回は単四電池×1本のEIGERです。読み方はアイガー。PEAK(頂上)ですので、世界の著名な山からシリーズ名をとって…

Get the early-bird price on group discount passes to TC Sessions: SaaS 2021

September arrived in the blink of an eye, and October 27 — TC Sessions: SaaS 2021 to be precise — is hot on its heels. Now’s the time to gather your team and strategize how you’ll cover the day-long event to make as many connections and discover as many opportunities as possible. Step 1: Take […]

Peak raises $75M for a platform that helps non-tech companies build AI applications

As artificial intelligence continues to weave its way into more enterprise applications, a startup that has built a platform to help businesses, especially non-tech organizations, build more customized AI decision making tools for themselves has picked up some significant growth funding. Peak AI, a startup out of Manchester, England, that has built a “decision intelligence” […]