

AWS just can’t catch a break

For the third time this month, AWS today suffered an outage in one of its data centers. This morning, a power outage in its US-EAST-1 region affected services like Slack, Asana, Epic Games and others. The issues started around 7:30 a.m. ET and the knock-on effect of these issues continues to plague the service as […]

Gift Guide: Extremely Online books

If you can’t read a good book without stopping every few pages to tweet about it, you might be what we call Extremely Online. You unabashedly distinguish between real life and digital life by using phrases like IRL versus URL, you disabled the Screen Time app on your iPhone because you don’t need that kind of judgement. Maybe you’re so online that it’s your job to write about social media, and even when you’re not working, you’re still thinking about the vice grip that Meta has on your life. Okay, that last one hit a bit too close to home.

Slack Japan解散 セールスフォース日本法人が吸収合併を完了

関連記事 Slack Japan解散へ セールスフォース・ドットコムが吸収合併 米Slack Technologiesの日本法人Slack Japanが解散することが官報で分かった。米salesforce.comの日本法人であるセールスフォース・ドットコムが吸収合併し、権利義務を承継するという。 Salesforce、Slackを277億ドル(約2兆8900億円)で買収 CRM…