行動遺伝学者のキャスリン・ペイジ・ハーデンの著作『The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality(遺伝の宝くじ──社会の平等とDNAの関係)』[未邦訳]は道徳的な新機軸を打ち立てようとする極めて野心的な作品だ。彼女は、単純に運で決まる遺伝の役割を正しく理解することで、社会のすべての人がもっと尊厳に満ちた快適な暮らしを楽しむ確率を増やすことができると考えている。遺伝学の最新の知見と社会的…
Waldo brings its ad-free, private photo-sharing service direct to consumers
Waldo, a photo-sharing platform that has historically targeted businesses, schools, camps, sports leagues, and other organizations, is capitalizing on the growing anti-Facebook sentiment to promote its newly launched consumer product. The company today is introducing a service aimed at private photo-sharing among family and friends which it’s promoting as an “ad-free, non-toxic” and private alternative […]
Instagram will shut down its companion app Threads by year end
Instagram’s standalone messaging app Threads is shutting down. The app will no longer be supported by the end of December 2021, the company confirmed to TechCrunch after reports began circulating via social media of its impending closure. Instagram is planning to alert its existing Threads users with an in-app notice beginning on November 23, which […]
遺伝的要因は不変であり、環境要因は変わりやすいという安直な区別をわたしたちが続ける限り、行動遺伝学に関する議論は不毛な堂々巡りを繰り返すと行動遺伝学者のキャスリン・ペイジ・ハーデンは考えている。遺伝子が人の学業成績に影響するという説を否定するのは「フェイクニュース」である一方、科学的人種差別に加担せずに、遺伝子と知性あるいは遺伝子と行動の関係について議論することはいかに可能だろうか? その迷宮をめぐる短期連載3回目。
Racket launches an app for 99-second micro podcasts
If it seems like everyone is listening to the same podcasts, that’s probably not a coincidence. Audio-based entertainment and social media is more popular than ever right now, but the medium is still plagued by discovery issues. While hit podcasts soar in popularity, expand their media empires and secure major brand deals, it’s difficult for […]
行動遺伝学者のキャスリン・ペイジ・ハーデンは著書『The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality(遺伝の宝くじ──社会の平等とDNAの関係)』[未邦訳]によって、右派には遺伝子がすべてではないことを、左派には介入するのは考えるよりもはるかに難しいことを伝えようとする。ヒトゲノム解析によって遺伝子に基づく予測医療が進む時代に、最新の遺伝学を議論することはいかに可能だろうか? その迷宮をめ…
Mark Cuban’s Fireside app attracts NFL stars and others as backers
Mark Cuban’s Fireside, an interactive platform that is helping creators share their stories with audiences through live and virtual shows, is in advanced stages to close a “seed+” round, two sources familiar with the matter told me. The financing round has already received commitment from investors such as The Chainsmokers, HBSE, Goodwater, Animal Capital and […]
Say goodbye to disappearing tweets: Twitter no longer auto-loads new tweets on the web
Twitter is updating its web platform to change the way users see new tweets. The social media giant will no longer automatically refresh timelines on the web with new tweets, and users can now decide when they want to load new tweets. Twitter acknowledged that in the past, tweets would often disappear from view mid-read […]
Snapchat partners with Sony Music, announces plans for new AR music lenses
Snapchat has inked a deal with Sony Music Entertainment to include its artists’ music in the app’s Sounds library. The company also revealed that it’s creating new AR music lenses. Soon, Snapchat will feature “Sound Lenses” with a pre-selected song embedded into the lens, a lens that transforms pictures of anyone to appear as if […]
『仁藤夢乃 Yumeno Nito on Twitter: “出張先で「温泉むすめ」のパネルを見て、なんでこんなものを置いているの😩💢と思って調べたらひどい。スカートめくりキャラ、夜這いを期待、肉感がありセクシー、ワインを飲む中学生、「癒しの看護」キャラ、セクシーな「大人の女性」に憧れる中学… https://t.co/9X04BZy4gS”』へのコメント
暮らし 仁藤夢乃 Yumeno Nito on Twitter: "出張先で「温泉むすめ」のパネルを見て、なんでこんなものを置いているの😩💢と思って調べたらひどい。スカートめくりキャラ、夜這いを期待、肉感がありセクシー、ワインを飲む中学生、「癒しの看護」キャラ、セクシーな「大人の女性」に憧れる中学… https://t.co/9X04BZy4gS"