Painting the health service as inefficient ignores a decade of chronic underfundingEach time I’ve gone for a Covid jab, I’ve walked out with a warm glow. It wasn’t just relief to have the protection, or awe at the scientific feats that were pulled off …
神田沙也加さん急死 札幌のホテル高層階から転落(スポーツ報知) – Yahoo!ニュース
はむさき @hmsk1975 運転免許証持ってない理由を話す時、自分には無理ですって言うとあれこれうるさいから、ハッキリ「人を殺してしまうので」って言うようにした 2021-12-16 13:05:03
The Guardian view on tighter Covid rules: better safe than sorry | Editorial
Ministers have announced a plan B. Now they must ensure it can be implementedWork from home if you can; wear face masks when in public indoor spaces (except when eating, drinking or exercising); use the NHS app to prove you are vaccinated, or have rece…
Charity regulator should keep out of ‘woke’ debates, says prospective chair
Commons select committee scrutinises Martin Thomas’s appointment after previous chair criticised over culture wars The charity regulator should stay as far as possible out of debates about “wokeness”, the government’s preferred candidate to head the wa…
No 10’s sickening insult to all those who made sacrifices | Letters
Readers respond to the leaked video showing Downing Street officials joking about a Christmas party during last year’s lockdownMy initial reaction to hearing of the Christmas party and the fake news briefing was feeling as if I had been kicked in the s…
前澤友作さん乗せた宇宙船打ち上げ成功 日本民間人初ISS滞在へ | NHKニュース
実業家の前澤友作さんなど日本の民間人2人を乗せたロシアの宇宙船が日本時間の8日夕方、国際宇宙ステーションに向けて打ち上げられ、宇宙船は予定していた軌道に投入され、打ち上げは成功したということです。 国際宇宙ステーションに日本の民間人が滞在するのは初めてで、およそ12日間の宇宙旅行を行う予定です。 実業…
Scientists find ‘stealth’ version of Omicron not identifiable with PCR test
Researchers fear new Covid variant could spread unnoticed because rough means of flagging up cases does not workCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageScientists have identified a “stealth” version of the Omicron variant which cann…
ぜんG坊主😷 @76together 僧侶 /楽しく/明るく/切なく/Not いい加減/良い加減のお付き愛を希望/フォローお気軽に/基本おふざけ垢/どうぞヨロシク/よろしくドウゾ/みんな仲良く/南無トゥギャザー/… ぜんG坊主😷 @76together 今日のご法事がとてもカオスだったので皆さんにも伝えたいが140文字じゃ伝わらな…
Labour MPs report Boris Johnson to police over 2020 Christmas parties
Met asked to investigate reports of alleged breaches of Covid lockdown rules at No 10Coronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageThe prime minister has been reported to the police by Labour MPs over allegations there were at least two p…