
KDDIは13日、SpaceXと業務提携して衛星ブロードバンドインターネット「Starlink」を利用したサービスを展開すると発表した。2022年頃から全国約1200カ所での導入開始する計画だという。また共同でStarlink地上局の構築も計画している模様(KDDI、au 新サービス発表会[動画] Starlink関連は52分26秒当たりから、CNET、ケータイ Watch、GIZMODO)。
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、KDDIが衛星インターネットの日本代理店になるなどではなく、…

SpaceX, Blue Origin awarded NASA contracts to develop moon lander concepts for future Artemis missions

NASA has awarded a combined $146 million in contracts to five companies, including SpaceX, Blue Origin and Dynetics, to develop lander concepts as part of the agency’s Artemis program. The awards include $26.5 million to Blue Origin; $40.8 million to Dynetics; $35.2 million to Lockheed Martin; $34.8 million to Northrop Grumman; and $9.4 million to […]

Spaceflight will be ferrying payloads from Orbit Fab, GeoJump to lunar orbit next year

Space rideshare service provider Spaceflight Inc. is going to be shuttling customers on a lunar flyby mission next year, part of its long-term vision of giving companies easy access to lunar orbits and beyond. The Seattle-based company will be delivering payload using its propulsive transfer vehicle, Sherpa EScape, or Sherpa-ES, the latest iteration of Sherpa […]





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Rocket Lab’s order backlog tops $141M as the company inks five-launch deal with Kinéis

It was a busy first half of the year for U.S.-New Zealand company Rocket Lab, which posted earnings for the first six months of 2021 on Wednesday – the first such reporting since the company went public last month. Rocket Lab reported revenues for the six-month period of $29.5 million. Its order backlog also grew […]