この記事は何? タイトルの通り、2021年の統計検定1級試験を受験してきたので、記憶が鮮明なうちに勉強してきた内容をメモしておこうと思います。ちなみに、統計検定は私にとって今回が(級によらず)初めての受験で、結果は数理のみ合格、応用は不合格でした。 対策・勉強した内容以外の、当日の受験体験記は以前に公開…
Dance of the p values
“You could play this at parties, develop a dance for the dance of the p values and reflect on how ridiculous it is that p values are right at the centre of our thinking about drawing conclusions from research.”
These data are not just excessively similar. They are impossibly similar
Evidence of Fraud in an Influential Field Experiment About Dishonesty is a blog post at Data Colada where researchers uncovered dishonest data meddling in a PNAS-published paper about… dishonesty. A group of anonymous researchers found problems with…