Tim Cook、個人的に仮想通貨を保有していると判明

Tim Cook氏は、個人的に仮想通貨に投資していると判明した。The New York Timesが開催している「DealBook Online Summit」で行われたインタビューの中で「しばらくの間興味を持っている」とコメント。分散投資の一環として行っているが、「誰かに投資のアドバイスをするつ…
The post Tim Cook、個人的に仮想通貨を保有していると判明 first appeared on ゴリミー. 【もっと読む】 …

Tim Cook 透露持有加密貨幣

在多款加密貨幣相繼創下新高之際,Apple CEO Tim Cook 首度公開表示個人有投資加密貨幣,並稱早已對此感興趣。 Tim Cook 出席《紐約時報》 的 DealBook 峰會時被問到他是否持有加密貨幣,而 Tim Cook 回應時指「他持有」,更稱作為一個多元化的資投組合,當中包括一部份加密貨幣是很合理的事情。 他表示,Apple 沒有「即時」的計劃接受加密貨幣。雖然 Tim Cook……

Apple lowers commissions on in-app purchases for news publishers who participate in Apple News

Apple today is launching a new program that will allow subscription news organizations that participate in the Apple News app and meet certain requirements to lower their commission rate to 15% on qualifying in-app purchases taking place inside their apps on the App Store. Typically, Apple’s model for subscription-based apps involves a standard 30% commission […]

Apple’s CSAM detection tech is under fire — again

Apple has encountered monumental backlash to a new child sexual abuse material (CSAM) detection technology it announced earlier this month. The system, which Apple calls NeuralHash, has yet to be activated for its billion-plus users, but the technology is already facing heat from security researchers who say the algorithm is producing flawed results. NeuralHash is […]