Five members of Congress called for federal consumer-privacy legislation after a Reuters report published Friday revealed how Amazon has led an under-the-radar campaign to gut privacy protections in 25 states while amassing a valuable trove of personal…
Americans seek independence from materialism, society, and their spouses
Where Americans find meaning in life has changed over the past four years “The U.S. stands out as one of only three publics surveyed in 2021 where mentions of society significantly coincide with greater negativity. The other two are Italy and Spain, bu…
The Amazon Lobbyists Who Kill US Consumer Privacy Protections
In recent years, Amazon has killed or undermined privacy protections in more than three dozen bills across 25 states, as the e-commerce giant amassed a lucrative trove of personal data on millions of American consumers. From a report: Amazon executives…
Visions of a US Computer Chip Boom Have Cities Hustling
Many local governments see a silver lining in the shortage of semiconductor chips that has contributed to a slowdown in the global economy. From a report: The shortage of computer chips has zapped energy from the global economy, punishing industries as…
Copy of US Constitution Sells for $43.2 Million as Crypto Group DAO Is Outbid
The art market wasn’t ready for revolution. A rare, first-edition copy of the U.S. Constitution sold for $43.2 million at Sotheby’s Thursday, but it appears the winner is a private collector rather than an online group of cryptocurrency investors. From…
「ホットドッグは野菜」アメリカの子供の4割がそう思っていることが判明 : カラパイア
数年前、アメリカでは「ピザは野菜」に分類されているとして話題となったが、アメリカの子供たちの認識がいろいろおかしなことになっている。 アメリカ南東部の大都市圏に住む4〜7歳の子供を対象にした調査結果が論文として『Journal of Environmental Psychology』に掲載されたのだが、子供たちの約4割が、ベーコンやソ…
The US Treasury Is Buying Private App Data to Target and Investigate People
The Treasury Department has in recent months expanded its digital surveillance powers, contracts provided to The Intercept reveal, turning to the controversial firm Babel Street, whose critics say it helps federal investigators buy their way around the…
US Passes Massive Infrastructure Bill, Investing in Clean Energy, Electric Cars, and Broadband Internet
Late Friday night U.S. Congressmen passed a long-awaited Bipartisan Infrastructure bill. “The infrastructure package contains $550 billion in entirely new investments, including money for electric-car charging stations and zero-emission school buses,” …
米国土安全保障省、実際に攻撃が行われている脆弱性 300 件近くへのパッチ適用を政府機関に義務付ける指令を発出
米国土安全保障省 (DHS) の Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) は 3 日、実際のサイバー攻撃における悪用が知られているセキュリティ脆弱性 291 件について、連邦政府機関にパッチ適用を義務付ける指令 Binding Operational Directive 22-01 (BOD) を発出した (ニュースリリース、 BOD 22-01、 9to5Mac の記事)。
リストアップされている脆弱性は Microso…
Biden Administration Blacklists NSO Group over Pegasus Spyware
The United States on Wednesday added the Israeli spyware company NSO Group to its “entity list,” a federal blacklist prohibiting the company from receiving some American technologies, after determining the company’s phone-hacking tools had been used by…