John Walker’s blog Buried Treasure covers games people “likely miss” if they only follow the regular games sites. He plays and reviews the games; mostly indies, mostly uncommon genres or interesting twists on popular ones. Recently Walker revisited a…
*Seven* Modes? In this Economy!?
August 23rd marked the 30th anniversary of the Super Nintendo in North America.
Considered by many to be the greatest console ever, even kids who grew up on the SEGA side have to give it respect. A big technical upgrade from its 8-bit predecessor, th…
Of Carts and Foxes and Treasures and Bees
On Tuesday, Nate Purkeypile (@NPurkeypile) shared a fun story about the development process of the now-famous Skyrim Intro. Inspired by this, yesterday, Joel Burgess (@JoelBurgess) shared another Skyrim development story, about foxes leading players to…
Interlewd with the Great Gouda
It’s quite astonishing to learn that Pac-Man was allotted 14-pages in a porn mag whose format was dedicated to nudity, dirty jokes and cigarette ads. Even more surprising is no one complained that he was.
Writer, historical researcher and self-confes…