AmazonでのPlayStation 5販売が招待制に!多分、抽選形式なので期限内に招待メールをリクエストしておけばPS5が買えるかも!?
The Week In Games: Time To Buy Resident Evil 4 (Again)
One day, I’ll no longer walk this planet. I’ll be dust in history. But until then, I’ll be buying Resident Evil 4 over and over and over… Well, you get the idea. And now with a VR version of the classic game hitting Oculus Quest later this week, I’ll…
Spot AI emerges from stealth with $22M for a platform to draw out more intelligence from organizations’ basic security videos
Security cameras, for better or for worse, are part and parcel of how many businesses monitor spaces in the workplace for security or operational reasons. Now, a startup is coming out of stealth with funding for tech designed to make the video produced by those cameras more useful. Spot AI has built a software platform […]
Here’s Why Twitch’s Giant Internal Leak Is Inundated With The Word ‘Pizza’
Last week Twitch suffered a massive hack. Roughly 125GB of data was leaked online, including source code and top streamer earnings, as well as a bunch of files with bizarre references to pizza. Why? Twitch suffered another major hack back in 2014 and c…
【10月28日まで】激安!3ヵ月で199円!Amazonの読み放題サービス「Kindle Unlimited」に超おトクに登録する方法 – Kindle本ストア9周年キャンペーン!
過去最安値クラス!Amazonの本やコミック、雑誌が読み放題になるKindle Unlimitedが3ヵ月で199円と激安で利用できる!
Network Load Balancer로 SNMP 서비스에 대한 부하 분산
안녕하세요 클래스메소드 김재욱(Kim Jaewook) 입니다. 지난「Application Load Balancer에 대해」에 이어서 이번에는 Network Load Balancer를 구축하고, SN […]
Google Cloud launches a managed Spark service
At its Cloud Next event, Google today announced the launch of Spark on Google Cloud as a fully managed service. With this, the popular open-source data processing engine will become a premium offering on Google Cloud. “With this innovation, Spark finally arrives in the cloud-native world,” said Gerrit Kazmaier, Google’s VP & GM for Database, […]
New World Server Transfers Delayed, Previously Promised Cross-Realm Moves ‘Not Possible’
During the mad rush to play Amazon’s massively multiplayer RPG New World during launch week, its developers told players not to worry about which of the game’s crowded servers they chose to play on, as free transfers were on the way. Not only have thos…
The Guardian view on Amazon’s shops: benefit society, not just consumers | Editorial
Is a low-tax corporate form of work intensification where staff are tracked and assessed to ensure they meet exacting targets good for Britain? What Amazon does today, its competitors seem to do tomorrow. That is why the arrival of Amazon’s futuristic …
Amazon お得情報まとめ【キャンペーン・サブスク】
Amazonのお得な情報をまとめた記事(随時更新) デジタルの日 キャンペーン 2021年10月11日まで 今度はAmazonが2日間限定のキャンペーンを開催。「デジタルの日 限定セール」 キャンペーン期間 2021年1 […]…