ついに登場した折り畳めるスキー板「ELAN VOYAGER」は、身軽さと素晴らしい滑り心地を両立している:製品レヴュー

スキー用品づくりで75年の歴史を誇るスロヴェニアのスポーツ用品メーカー、エラン。同社が10年もの年月をかけて開発した折り畳み式のスキー板「ELAN VOYAGER」は、スキーヤーが夢見ていた身軽さと驚くほどの滑り心地を実現している──。『WIRED』US版によるレヴュー。

罪深い才能 – 竹野ここ | 少年ジャンプ+

JASRAC許諾第9009285055Y45038号 JASRAC許諾第9009285050Y45038号 JASRAC許諾第9009285049Y43128号 許諾番号 ID000002929 ABJマークは、この電子書店・電子書籍配信サービスが、著作権者からコンテンツ使用許諾を得た正規版配信サービスであることを示す登録商標(登録番号 第6091713号)です。

The Final Moments Of Halo 3 Online, 2007 – 2022

It’s the end of an era. On Thursday, Microsoft and 343 Industries turned off all the matchmaking servers for classic games Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Reach, and Halo 4. And while you can still play versions of these games online via the fantastic Maste…

ジョコ、入国書類不備の可能性 旅行歴なしと虚偽申告か

公開されたノバク・ジョコビッチの入国書類のコピーを映した虫眼鏡。香港で(2022年1月11日撮影)。(c)Richard A. Brooks / AFP 【1月12日 AFP】男子テニス世界ランキング1位のノバク・ジョコビッチ(Novak Djokovic、セルビア)が前人未到の四大大会(グランドスラム)21勝を懸けて来週開幕の全豪オープン(Australian …

Rockstar, Take-Two Remember Midnight Club Exists

During an investor call earlier today, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive (the parent company of Rockstar Games) listed off some of the publisher’s most popular and successful franchises. And it was during this meeting that Take-Two and Rocks…

Red Dead Online Players Are Frustrated After Months Without A Major Update

The last major update for Red Dead Online was released in July 2021. Since then, the game has received no major content updates. As 2022 starts, RDO fans have become fed up with the lack of content and communication from Rockstar and have collectively …

Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 Starts Today, Here’s How To Watch

And just like that, somehow it’s been a whole year since the last Awesome Games Done Quick. The speedrunning event, back for its 13th year, starts today. After a terrible 2021, relax and enjoy some fun, impressive, and wild speedruns for the next week….

Destiny 2 Tossing Away Old Story Content Is Making It Harder To Keep Up

Recently, my fiancée and I started playing Destiny 2 together. We were looking for a co-op game with a lot of stuff that supported crossplay and cross-saving. Somehow, I convinced her to give Destiny 2 a shot. So far, we’ve had a great time. It’s been …