Softbank、BALMUDA スマホの予約を開始! BALMUDA Phone のデモ機を触れての本音総評

 画像:BALMUDAこんにちは。2021年11月17日、Softbank でも BALMUDA Phone の予約がスタート。これにより、SIMフリー版の予約 , Softbank版の予約の2つがついに、開始されました。しかし、BALMUDA Phone は、開発から製造までが全て日本で作られた、5Gスマホにもかからわず、ネット上では Apple iPhone 13 シリーズ以来の叩き合いとなっている状況です。でも、BALMUDA Phone の真実を知るには、やはり、実機を触れてからの話であると…

Waldo brings its ad-free, private photo-sharing service direct to consumers

Waldo, a photo-sharing platform that has historically targeted businesses, schools, camps, sports leagues, and other organizations, is capitalizing on the growing anti-Facebook sentiment to promote its newly launched consumer product. The company today is introducing a service aimed at private photo-sharing among family and friends which it’s promoting as an “ad-free, non-toxic” and private alternative […]

Instagram will shut down its companion app Threads by year end

Instagram’s standalone messaging app Threads is shutting down. The app will no longer be supported by the end of December 2021, the company confirmed to TechCrunch after reports began circulating via social media of its impending closure. Instagram is planning to alert its existing Threads users with an in-app notice beginning on November 23, which […]

Spotify’s new Podcast Subscriptions expand to global markets

Just a few months after launching support for podcast subscriptions to U.S. creators, Spotify today is making the service available to creators in global markets. The company says the service, which allows creators to mark episodes as “subscriber-only” content, will now become available in 33 new markets worldwide. When podcast subscriptions publicly launched in the […]

BALMUDA Phone - バルミューダブランド初のスマートフォンは丸みを帯びたデザインが特徴、性能は…

こんにちは、かのあゆです。オーブンレンジやクリーナー(掃除機)などを手掛ける家電メーカー「BALMUDA(バルミューダ)」がAndroidスマートフォン「BALMUDA Phone」を発表しました。SIMフリーモデルのほ……