蘋果或「永久擱置」 CSAM iCloud 照片掃描功能

蘋果在今年 8 月宣佈將會推出 CSAM 偵測功能,有關措施震撼是整個科技界,嚴重衝擊蘋果重視用戶私隱的核心價值。面對各界的猛烈批評,今年 9 月蘋果宣佈押後 CSAM 相關的措施的實施。 隨著 iOS 15.2 正式發佈,當中加入了兒童保護功能,若透過 iMessage 收發裸露照片立即通知家長。而蘋果也在官方網站兒童安全部份更新了內容,當中主要介紹有關 iOS 15.2 的兒童安全部份。……

Apple quietly pulls references to its CSAM detection tech after privacy fears

Apple has quietly removed all references to its child sexual abuse scanning feature from its website, months after announcing that the new technology would be baked into iOS 15 and macOS Monterey. Back in August, Apple announced that it would introduce the feature to allow the company to detect and report known child sexual abuse […]

UK offers cash for CSAM detection tech targeted at E2E encryption

The U.K. government is preparing to spend over half a million dollars to encourage the development of detection technologies for child sexual exploitation material (CSAM) that can be bolted on to end-to-end encrypted messaging platforms to scan for the illegal material, as part of its ongoing policy push around internet and child safety. In a […]