What if it’s all bullshit? An academic philosopher ponders discrimination, failed COVID policies, and bullshit There is a special perversity in pursuing a vocation that hinges entirely on the premise that knowledge matters while obliged to deny what kn…
How one professor changed the culture of mathematics for his students
Later, as a professor, he noticed a pattern. Ardila’s Black, Latino, and women students who went on to Ph.D. programs also told stories of isolation and exclusion…so Ardila…set out to create, in his own classroom, a new kind of math environment.
How the law got it wrong with Apple Card
The Apple Card case is a strong example of how current anti-discrimination laws fall short of the fast pace of scientific research in the emerging field of quantifiable fairness.
Activision Blizzard employees plan Wednesday “Walkout for Equality”
Organizers seek movement on diversity, pay transparency, arbitration clauses.