プライバシーを重視した検索エンジンサービスを運営しているDuckDuckGoが、独自のデスクトップ版Webブラウザを開発中であることが明らかとなりました(MacRumors)。 同社が公開した年末のまとめ記事によると、デ […]
DuckDuckGo wants to stop apps tracking you on Android
The latest update promises to block invasive data collection across your whole phone.
Xayn launches a desktop version of its ad-free, privacy-safe search
Berlin-based Xayn, which as we reported last year is doing ad-free, personalized, privacy-safe search as an alternative to tracking and profiling adtech giants like Google, has expanded its product offering — launching a desktop version (in beta for now). The desktop Xayn WebBeta is described as a “light web version” of the product with similar functionality […]
Privacy-oriented search app Xayn raises $12M from Japanese backers to go into devices
Back in December 2020 we covered the launch of a new kind of smartphone app-based search engine, Xayn. “A search engine?!” I hear you say? Well, yes, because despite the convenience of modern search engines’ ability to tailor their search results to the individual, this user-tracking comes at the expense of privacy. This mass surveillance […]