FacebookからOAuthを停止されてわかった今時のセキュリティ – Uzabase Tech

NewsPicksの高山です。 この記事はUzabase Advent Calendar 2021の23日目の記事です。昨日は我らが赤澤剛さんによるAWS Organizationの記事でした。 去る2021年10月12日に突然NewsPicksのサービスでFacebookログインやFacebookへの投稿ができなくなりました。この状態は12月13日まで2ヶ月もの間継続していて、ユーザーさ…

ある朝起きたら「変身」していた! メタバースとアバターの関係から見る「これは自分じゃない」問題

仮想空間が生み出すインターネットの新しいかたち「メタバース」。そこではどんな未来が生まれつつあるのでしょうか。本連載では最新のメタバース関連のニュースを、「VRChat」や「cluster」といったホットなソーシャルVRサービスの現場の空気とともにご紹介します。メタバース、あなたもはじめませんか。 ある朝、胸騒…

Meta files federal lawsuit to uncover individuals running a phishing scam on its platforms

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, announced today that it has filed a federal lawsuit in California court to take action to uncover individuals running a phishing scam. The company says the legal action aims to disrupt phishing attacks that are designed to trick people into sharing their login credentials on fake login pages for Facebook, […]

TikTok to rank as the third largest social network, 2022 forecast notes

A new forecast has dubbed TikTok as the world’s third-largest social network, just behind Facebook and Instagram. In its inaugural forecast on TikTok’s global install base, Insider Intelligence — the firm previously known as eMarketer — predicts that TikTok will reach 755.0 million monthly users in 2022, after seeing 59.8% growth in 2020, followed by […]

Meta Shareholders Call for Oversight Audit

A group of Meta shareholders, along with the Campaign for Accountability, has submitted a resolution calling for an independent evaluation of the board’s ability to oversee public safety on Facebook’s platforms, Axios has learned. From the report: Face…

Could Supernova be an ‘ethical alternative’ to the social media giants?

Supernova is a new app that has now gone live on the Apple and Android app stores billing itself as a new “ethical alternative” to Instagram and Facebook, where most of the ad revenues go to charities. Does it have a chance? It would be fair to say that after many years of either watching […]

Facebook 獲選年度最差勁公司

每年 12 月,Yahoo 財經也會選出年度最差勁公司,當中是由 1541 位回應調查的人士選出。而獲選 2021 年度最差勁公司的首位是 Facebook(即 Meta),第二位是 Nikola 第三位是 Robinhood。 談到原因,多數人認為 Facebook 對兒童及青年影響深遠。不少人則認為 Facebook 賣私隱,從用戶私隱數據中獲利,因而表示不滿。另外,不少人也針對……