Can a name change save the company’s tarnished reputation?
FacebookからOAuthを停止されてわかった今時のセキュリティ – Uzabase Tech
NewsPicksの高山です。 この記事はUzabase Advent Calendar 2021の23日目の記事です。昨日は我らが赤澤剛さんによるAWS Organizationの記事でした。 去る2021年10月12日に突然NewsPicksのサービスでFacebookログインやFacebookへの投稿ができなくなりました。この状態は12月13日まで2ヶ月もの間継続していて、ユーザーさ…
ある朝起きたら「変身」していた! メタバースとアバターの関係から見る「これは自分じゃない」問題
仮想空間が生み出すインターネットの新しいかたち「メタバース」。そこではどんな未来が生まれつつあるのでしょうか。本連載では最新のメタバース関連のニュースを、「VRChat」や「cluster」といったホットなソーシャルVRサービスの現場の空気とともにご紹介します。メタバース、あなたもはじめませんか。 ある朝、胸騒…
Meta investors are sick of the scandals and want more oversight
Shareholders want greater oversight of “risks to public safety.”
Meta files federal lawsuit to uncover individuals running a phishing scam on its platforms
Meta, formerly known as Facebook, announced today that it has filed a federal lawsuit in California court to take action to uncover individuals running a phishing scam. The company says the legal action aims to disrupt phishing attacks that are designed to trick people into sharing their login credentials on fake login pages for Facebook, […]
TikTok to rank as the third largest social network, 2022 forecast notes
A new forecast has dubbed TikTok as the world’s third-largest social network, just behind Facebook and Instagram. In its inaugural forecast on TikTok’s global install base, Insider Intelligence — the firm previously known as eMarketer — predicts that TikTok will reach 755.0 million monthly users in 2022, after seeing 59.8% growth in 2020, followed by […]
Meta Shareholders Call for Oversight Audit
A group of Meta shareholders, along with the Campaign for Accountability, has submitted a resolution calling for an independent evaluation of the board’s ability to oversee public safety on Facebook’s platforms, Axios has learned. From the report: Face…
Could Supernova be an ‘ethical alternative’ to the social media giants?
Supernova is a new app that has now gone live on the Apple and Android app stores billing itself as a new “ethical alternative” to Instagram and Facebook, where most of the ad revenues go to charities. Does it have a chance? It would be fair to say that after many years of either watching […]
Facebook 獲選年度最差勁公司
每年 12 月,Yahoo 財經也會選出年度最差勁公司,當中是由 1541 位回應調查的人士選出。而獲選 2021 年度最差勁公司的首位是 Facebook(即 Meta),第二位是 Nikola 第三位是 Robinhood。 談到原因,多數人認為 Facebook 對兒童及青年影響深遠。不少人則認為 Facebook 賣私隱,從用戶私隱數據中獲利,因而表示不滿。另外,不少人也針對……
Can Biden really crack down on tech monopolies?
There is still too much gray area in the rules to enforce antitrust law, but with a few changes to the approach, good intentions may lead to new policy, penalties and prosecution.