Tape It launches an AI-powered music recording app for iPhone

Earlier this year, Apple officially discontinued Music Memos, an iPhone app that allowed musicians to quickly record audio and develop new song ideas. Now, a new startup called Tape It is stepping in to fill the void with an app that improves audio recordings by offering a variety of features, including higher-quality sound, automatic instrument […]


iPhoneにGoPro QUICKアプリを入れて使っているのですが、動画編集後にアプリ内の動画を削除してもなぜか容量が変わりません。なので、GoPro QUICKで動画を編集すればするほで容量不足に陥ります。そこで、面倒ですがiTunes(Winodws)上で、iPhoneのバックアップ&復元をすると、空き容量を回復できるんです。この理屈で、また容量が残り5GB程度…

Apple’s dangerous path

Hello friends, and welcome back to Week in Review. Last week, we dove into the truly bizarre machinations of the NFT market. This week, we’re talking about something that’s a little bit more impactful on the current state of the web — Apple’s NeuralHash kerfuffle. If you’re reading this on the TechCrunch site, you can […]