“If we care about preparing our boys for healthy relationships, this may be one way to do it—making time and space in school, where so much of their social world exists, to teach them how to name and handle their emotions and solve problems that crop u…
Parents are not okay
“Through these grinding 18 months, we’ve managed our kids’ lives as best we could while abandoning our own. It was unsustainable then, it’s unsustainable now, and no matter what fresh hell this school year brings, it’ll still be unsustainable.” [SLAtla…
On Roblox, kids learn it’s hard to earn money making games
New report claims that the massive video game platform can exploit young developers.
Ultraprocessed Foods Now 2/3 of Calories in Children and Teen’s Diets
Two-thirds of children’s calories are now coming from “ultraprocessed” junk food and sweets. Researchers from Tufts University say these foods have a link to diabetes, obesity, and other serious medical conditions, including cancer.